Notes on OS/2 Disk Usage III - The Journaled File System (JFS), Concluded

By: Walter Metcalf

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JFS Implementation

JFS has been implemented in OS/2 in two pieces. Basically we have already covered the first. This is the Installable File System (IFS) providing both access to the storage and support of OS/2 semantics such as functional behaviour, error returns, and coexistence with other IFS implementations of FAT and HPFS. The only item we have left out is the IFS statement itself. The JFS version of the IFS is as follows:

  1. IFS=pathname [/CACHE:][/AUTOCHECK:drive[drive...] /[L:OFF|L:synctime,maxage,bufferidle]]

    JFS initialization parameters1
    Parameter Description
    pathname Specifies that pathname of the JFS IFS
    /CACHE:<size in kilobytes> Specifies the size of the JFS buffer cache in
    Kilobytes. By default, this size is set to 12.5
    percent of real memory.
    /AUTOCHECK:drive[drive...]] Specifies a list of JFS file systems, identified
    by drive letter, to be included in automatic
    recovery by CHKDSK at the time of JFS
    initialization. If an asterisk (*) is specified
    instead of a drive letter list, all JFS file
    systems will be included in automatic
    recovery during JFS initialization. If any drive
    letter is preceded by an arithmetic plus sign
    (+), CHKDSK will perform a full integrity
    check on the drive even if journal log replay
    has restored the drive to an apparently
    consistent state. If the list of drive letters ends
    with a plus-asterisk (+*), CHKDSK will perform
    a full integrity check on all JFS file systems
    not specified in the list even if journal log
    replay has restored them to an apparently
    consistent state.
    /L:OFF Specifies the lazy write parameters in
    seconds. OFF forces all to be synchronous.
    /L:<synctime,maxage,bufferidle> Synctime is the interval at which the sync
    thread runs, default=32. Maxage is the
    longest time that a modified file is kept in
    cache, default is synchtime*4. Bufferidle is
    the time indicating a "recent" change.
    Changes newer than this value are not
    written unless the last write was older than
    maxage, default is Min(1,synchtime/8)

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    1 Adapted from Table 9; Inside OS/2 Warp Server for e-business, Indran Naick, et. al.; IBM Redbook catalogue no. sg24-5393-00; pp. 122-123.

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