Introduction to PPWIZARD, Part 1
By: Walter Metcalf
Date: 11/17/99
When I first became your Guide I was using a well-known WYSIWYG (What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get), or graphical, HTML
editor. In the beginning that was a good choice as it enabled me concentrate on "learning the ropes" of being
a Guide without letting the mechanics of HTML get in the way. However, gradually the very thing that was
such a help in the beginning started getting in my way. It's simply this: the user is locked into the graphics
If a feature isn't supported by the editor, then you can't use it, period. If the program doesn't support
a set of fonts, for example, then there is no way at all to use them on your Web site.
So, I began looking around for something more flexible, and I chose PPWIZARD
written by Dennis Bareis. PPWizard is such a rich
program that I can't hope to give an complete review or exhaustive treatment of it here. For that please consult the
massive on-line manual and the four-part
tutorial, Building Dynamic Web Sites In OS/2, in
OS/2 e-Zine.2
What I want to do this week is briefly describe the nature of PPWizard, and a few of its features.
Starting next week I'll show you how to build a relatively simple Web document using this tool, and later show
you how to fancy it up a bit.
- What is PPWizard?
- PPWizard is a Preprocessor
- If you have a development or compiler background, you may recognize the term "preprocessor"
as a term for a "pass" or procedure that the compiler puts your program through before the
actual "compile" begins. By using this extra pass, the compiler is able to give you an extra
set of features that would otherwise not be possible. These features primarily include macros,
but include conditional symbols--symbols which are only compiled under certain conditions.
Although you may not have heard of the latter, they are so important that much modern
software, including operating systems, could not be written without them!
- PPWizard can be thought of as a front-end, i.e. preprocessor, to an HTML browser. It
certainly provides the same type of functions of a traditional pre-processor--macros,
conditional symbols, and expressions--and much more.
- Note: If you find the preprocessor model is too difficult to grasp, then in
the HTML context just think of PPWizard as running in a special standalone mode.
It is, however, a true Rexx preprocessor.
- A PPWizard source file for our purposes has an extension of .IT and consists of a mixture of
PPWizard statements (perhaps including macros, #include statements, REXX statements etc.), raw
HTML statements and plain text. PPWizard processes the file by expanding the PPWizard
statements, incorporating them into the HTML statements and plain text, and creating a standard
HTML file.
- PPWizard is freeware and is downloadable from the author's Web site.
- What are some of PPWizard's Main Features?
Note: PPWWizard has hundreds of features; these only a few of the outstanding ones!
- One-Time Definitions
- If a variable or expression is used all over your Web site, you can (and should) define it
once as a variable, and then use the variable whenever the expression is needed. Two
excellent examples are your email addresses and Web site URL address. Often you put
your email address on several pages to make it easy for people to access you. When
something happens to cause your email address and/or URL address to change (e.g. you
change ISP's) then you have only to change two lines in a Definitions area of your
source, instead of hunting through all the HTML and possibly making changes in several
- Complex strings, such as image definitions, can be similarly defined once as a variable
and used throughout the document as needed.
- Macro, Macros, Macros!
- Macros are among PPWizard's strongest features. They are supported to a degree that is
almost beyond belief! Lately the author has been strengthening this support almost weekly.
- Macros can be nested indefinitely, limited only by your system memory.
- Macros can be defined in terms of HTML (i.e. text), other macros or REXX functions
and expressions. Most REXX functions are supported by PPWizard.
- Macros can be defined to have optional parameters: i.e. parameters
that can be omitted when the macro is actually called.
- PPWizard supports the #include command, so it is highly recommended to put your
macros into one or more files, grouped according to function, but different from
your main Web site documents. Then you can use one or more #include files in the
body of your main document, and the documents containing the appropriate macro will
be automatically accessed.
- Note: to make PPWizard as easy to use as possible, you'll need a good programmer's
editor. In fact, you'll need your editor to be able to support macros as well. This
eliminates many of the common, inexpensive OS/2 editors floating around the Internet. You
need not lay out big bucks, however:
- Kon
Kon, which I reviewed two weeks ago, has
more than sufficient power for that task and is currently selling for only $20 U.S.
- Jedit
If you have absolutely no money to spend, you may want to consider
Jedit, a free Java editor. However
it requires a couple of Java modules be on your system in addition to the Java Runtime
Kit, and is relatively slow.
Finally, if you install enough freeware packages, it's probably possible to make the
Warp's Enhanced Editor do the job quite nicely. These packages are available on
- Mix 'n' Match
- Macros and raw HTML can be mixed interchangeably on the same page, even on the same line!
This gives you an enormous sense of freedom, because it allows you to do whatever you want
to do to get the results you want.
- You can cut and paste raw html from another document (e.g. a table or a form) into your
PPWizard source. This is impossible with most WYSIWYG editors, and further enhances what
you can do.
- Database Interface
- I have not used this as yet, so I will only mention that certain standard types of
databases (e.g. SQL and comma-delimited) can be imported into your Web page. For more
information see the Part 4 of
Building Dynamic Web Sites.
Next week we'll begin building our HTML document.
Walter Metcalf
Next week: Introduction to PPWIZARD, Part 2
1 There may well be work-arounds for this in some WYSIWYG editors, but in HomePage Publisher, at least, there isn't.
2 See also Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.
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