Review of InJoy 2.3
By: Walter Metcalf
Date: 09/29/99
Revised: 10/04/99
On Sept. 26, 1999 F/X Communications released
version 2.3 of InJoy - The Best Way to the
Internet. In June I did a detailed
review of v2.2. So I shall limit this review to a discussion of what has changed.
Not mentioned in the documentation is a significant change in how InJoy is packaged.¹
Prior to 2.3 each of the four functionality levels of In-Joy--Basic, Extended, SOHO,
and Professional--was a separate download. Starting with 2.3, all levels are contained
in a single package. A user licenses a specific level, as before, and the licence
unlocks the sections of the code required by that level. (The only exception is
the Professional level for more than 25 users: that has to be ordered directly from
the author.)
I have registered two different levels of InJoy--Extended and SOHO. When I updated
from v2.2 to v2.3 I unzipped the single package over each of the levels separately.
Upon examination, each level maintained its own identity. Each key therefore unlocked
only the code it was supposed to. Therefore there were no surprises and everything
worked correctly.
By far the most important changes in 2.3 relate to security. Security has always
been important to the F/X Communications mission, as a brief glance at some of their
other products (InJoy Firewall and Tunnel/2)
will show. With the latest release of InJoy, F/X Communications has tightened security
provisions already supported by InJoy and introduced a whole new level of support
to their basic product line.
Ports, specific and [multiple] ranges, can now be included in the firewall specifications.
This means it is now possible to admit or exclude someone based on their port
as well as just the IP.
Larger number of sample filters and firewall rules have been provided.
Brand-new support for 128-bit encryption-enabled IPSec has been added to
InJoy v2.3 at the SOHO and Professional levels.
What is IPSec? According to the InJoy documentation:
IPSec (Internet Protocol Security) is an Internet standard for interconnected, secure
networking devices and the predominant technology in Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
Support of the IPSec technology extends the InJoy products with capability of building
VPN's and secure channels to other major vendors on the market. The IPSec technology
is proven to be interoperable and since it is an international standard, it can
negotiate safe communications between different organizations using different IPSec
Then what is a Virtual Private Network?²
Suppose you have a LAN and your partner or company has another LAN in another
city. Further suppose you want to exchange sensitive data between those two LAN's.
One way of doing it would be to have each LAN connected to the Internet using the
nearest phone line. The problem with this is that this data is highly sensitive
and the Internet is notoriously insecure.
One solution to the problem would be to enclose the outgoing TCP/IP packet created
by the gateway computer (computer connected to the Internet) in yet another packet
according to a different, well-defined set of specifications that would cause any
tampering to be detected by the receiving gateway.
A setup like the one we described is called a Virtual Private Network.
Several such specifications to ensure security have been developed and IPSec is
the one that is currently most popular. As you might imagine, encryption forms
an important part of IPSec. The level of encryption employed by InJoy is 128-bits.
Why IPSec?
One of the biggest advantages of the IPSec to the OS/2 user is its proven ability
to interact with many different operating systems. For more information on VPN's
and IPSec consult the F/X IPSec Users
Batteries Included.
Both the SOHO and Professional levels of InJoy v2.3 include a 5 user version of IPSec.
At the time of writing plugins to support additional users are available only through
BMT Micro and prices
start at US $200 for 25 users.
Walter Metcalf
Next week: Kon: A Programmers' Editor - A Review
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