07-18-101 17:02:29 C. Jeremy? 07-18-101 17:02:43 1. How's your poll coming? 07-18-101 17:04:14 it will be complete here very shortly :) 07-18-101 17:04:55 I promise it to be complete before the night is over 07-18-101 17:06:10 OK, I guess the best thing to do is to email it to me when you're done, and I'll email it to the members. (I better have moderator status or whatever it takes soon, or I'll know the reason why. ) 07-18-101 17:06:32 hehe 07-18-101 17:07:06 If not, I can email it out 07-18-101 17:08:31 I guess the best way to do the vote--once we can email the members--is to email the members and point them to the survey.html page. Have you decided how you want to collect the information? 07-18-101 17:08:53 Thanks, Sector. 07-18-101 17:10:51 Jeremy, how do you want to collect the information? 07-18-101 17:11:13 what do you mean? 07-18-101 17:11:32 currently, I have the poll results forwarded to my e-mail address 07-18-101 17:11:47 OK, that's all I meant? 07-18-101 17:11:56 ok :) 07-18-101 17:27:35 b. If this work, I'll send the ballot to Sector. 07-18-101 17:33:04 2. Another obvious use for Ceilidh would be in support. IRC is very costly in terms of time, and email is often too narrow: you have to know the person who'll best be able to help you and often you can't. 07-18-101 17:34:15 Until Charles get her that's really all I have. 07-18-101 17:34:50 I could try to give you a *very* cursory summary, I suppose. 07-18-101 17:35:46 Let's open the meeting for new business and hope he gets here. :-) 07-18-101 17:37:52 I meant proceed with Ceilidh purchase. 07-18-101 17:41:09 You mean my about.com material? 07-18-101 17:45:24 this maybe of interest to a lot of you 07-18-101 17:45:58 I have all of Walter's about.com articles ... and intend to prepare them for the site 07-18-101 17:46:35 after the current project I was assigned is complete 07-18-101 17:46:40 Sounds promising 07-18-101 18:00:56 I think we have to assume Charles got unavoidably detained. 07-18-101 18:02:44 guess so... sometimes its hard to understand that people actually have lives away from the keyboard 07-18-101 18:02:51 gee.. imagine that 07-18-101 18:03:06 I hereby move that this meeting be adjourned. 07-18-101 18:03:17 Is there a second? 07-18-101 18:03:19 2nd 07-18-101 18:03:40 All in favour, type Aye. 07-18-101 18:03:44 Aye 07-18-101 18:04:06 hmm short one 07-18-101 18:04:12 aye I guess