WarpDoctor Agenda for March 9, 2003

Call meeting to order.

Make sure someone is taking the log.

  1. Business Arising from Minutes

    1. Proposal to have WD support channel on eCS Network
      1. I believe this died when it was realized this was to be a general OS/2 support forum.

    2. Internet Assistant
      1. with the goal to create an easy assistant to configure your internet connection...
        <eCSNL> Support Mozilla, Netscape, slippm, Injoy, ISDNPM, PPPoE client from Injoy....
      2. Presentation by Roderick (eCSNL)

  2. Old Business

    1. Status Reports:
      1. Status of T1 - Ken
      2. Mirror/Co-Host Project - Ken
    2. Hardware Compatibility List
      • Draft form

  3. New Business
    1. Status of Webbnet. - Andrew or Jeremy

  4. Other business
Adjourn Meeting